Book your stay for the 80th anniversary celebrations of parachuting



Prepare your stay during the 80th anniversary celebrations of the Parachute Jump

How can you take part? 
The festivities to mark the Grand Parachutage will take place during the week of 27 July to 3 August 2024.

We are honoured to celebrate this memorable date with the "Grand Parachutage" association and invite you to join us in paying tribute to the heroes of the Resistance, the Special Services and Captain Bulle's Battalion who took part in this Second World War operation.

The event features a variety of activities, including exhibitions, lectures, a re-enactment of a military camp with entertainment and, of course, two commemorative ceremonies.....

On the programme: a week of remembrance from Sunday 28 July to Sunday 4 August 2024

- On 31 July at the Girotte memorial: Compagnie du Lac-Capitaine Bulle tribute ceremony.
- 1 August at the Les Saisies monument: Official ceremony marking 80 years of parachuting.

EXHIBITION & CONFERENCES: From Sunday 28 July to Friday 2 August 2024 at the Salle Cristal - Les Saisies
 * A museum-quality exhibition on parachuting, the Resistance and the Allied special services, with documents, uniforms, etc. An area will be dedicated to items parachuted at Les Saisies: parachutes, equipment, weapons, etc.

- Captain Bulle, hero of the Savoyard resistance,
- The 7 American paratroopers from the OSS (Mission UNION II) parachuted on 1 August over the Col des Saisies.
- The different types of containers and equipment parachuted into the Resistance.

* A series of 10 lectures at the end of the day (from 28/07 to 02/02)
* Book signings by the authors of the books presented.

CAMP LIBERTÉ: From Thursday 1 to Sunday 4 August 2024 at Le Col - Les Saisies
Reconstruction of a WW2 military camp
* Historical activities and presentation
of the 1st DFL, Resistance, Allied armies, Unions missions (with the help of the World War Memories Association from Flumet).

* Parachute transmission stand by the 11th CCTP (Parachute Command and Transmission Company) and the National Airborne Transmission Association (ANATAP).
Camp approx 8000 m2 more than 100 re-enactors:
2nd World War vehicles exhibition (US WACO glider, Halftrackt, jepps, dodges...)
- Ludotheque stand (children): presentation of games, games tables ... by the AAB.
(Camp approx 8000 m2 more than 100 re-enactors)

Friday 2/08 : Open air cinema, film 2nd world war
Saturday 3/08 Clandestine ball led by the group "Nancy and Pitt".
COME and experience this exceptional week with us!