Family outing - August

from 7 ans
  • sortie-famille-16368457


A family outing to (re)discover the mountains and their secrets: discover animals big and small, and learn about plants that heal and are eaten.
Mondays August 12, 19 and 26
  • Meet : at 09:30 in front of the Le Signal aquasports center, at the Col des Saisies. Return around 12pm.
  • Level / physical effort: Easy. Approx. 200m ascent over 5km. Outing open to children aged 7 and over.
  • Supervision : The group is made up of 3 to 12 people maximum, led by a qualified mountain leader. 
  • Hiking shoes recommended
  • Rucksack
  • Clothing according to current weather conditions (fleece jacket, waterproof jacket, etc.)
  • Sunglasses, cap, sunscreen
  • Water bottle (approx. 1 liter)
  • Cereal bars / snacks
  • Hiking poles (recommended)
  • Individual pharmacy (your usual medicines, adhesive or double-skin bandages, handkerchiefs, etc.)